Technology/Cell Phone/Social Media Help & Tips
As a parent, you want to ensure that your child is safely using the internet and their devices. Most parents are aware of risks and dangers but simply don't know what to look for. Please use the information and resources below as a starting point to communicate with your child regarding responsible use of technology.
Communication is the key. Ask your child what they do when they are online or using apps. Monitor internet activity, texts and use of social media apps. Establish guidelines, boundaries and consequences.
Many children and teens are moving away from sites such as Facebook and are using apps to text and to share photos and video. Ask your child to show you the apps on his or her computer, phone, tablet, iPod/iPad or other electronic device and have them tell you what they use the apps for. If you don't recognize and app, look it up using Google or another search engine.
Communication is the key. Ask your child what they do when they are online or using apps. Monitor internet activity, texts and use of social media apps. Establish guidelines, boundaries and consequences.
Many children and teens are moving away from sites such as Facebook and are using apps to text and to share photos and video. Ask your child to show you the apps on his or her computer, phone, tablet, iPod/iPad or other electronic device and have them tell you what they use the apps for. If you don't recognize and app, look it up using Google or another search engine.
Below are some suggestions parents/guardians should consider:
- Set guidelines & boundaries – Remember, you’re paying the bill!
- Know the passwords to all of your child’s accounts
- Monitor online activity – use a program to help you with this task
- Research (Google) unknown apps and programs
- Review all texts, messages, email
- Establish and enforce consequences
- Read more at: Kids, Smart Phones, and Social Media: 6 Rules for Success and Safety or 7 Steps to Good Digital Parenting
Also, feel free to check out these links for additional Technology/Cell Phone/Social Media resources and tips to help parents/guardians:
- 5 Anti-Bully Apps - Here are 5 anti-bullying apps parents should know about.
- Parenting in the Internet Age - This is a great site to help parents with kids that are beginning to use the Internet.
- App Guide for Parents and Teachers - This site gives descriptions of popular apps and recommendations for student use from Safe, Smart & Social.
- Cell Phone Tips for Parents - This site is a great resource for parents with children who have cell phones.
- Cell Phone/Messaging/Texting Parent Glossary of Terms - Click here to view a glossary of terms children are using online and what they mean.
- Common Sense Media - This site is a fantastic resource to help parents regarding technology and keeping their children safe.
- Connect Safely
- Think Before You Post
- FBI Parent Guide to Online Safety - This site will help parents identify and respond to online risks and dangers.
- How to Tell if Social Media is Harming Your Mental Health? - This site talks about the dangers of Social Media and how to tell if it is impacting your mental health.
- How to Activate Google Safe Search Video - This video will show you how to active Google Safe Search on your child's phone.
- How to Child-proof Your Child's Device - This video will show you how to child-proof your child's device.
- How to Find Hidden Apps on Phones - Here is a YouTube Video on how to locate hidden apps on your child's phone.
- How to Keep Your Child's Phone Secure - This site show parents how to keep their child's phone secure.
- Internet Safety 101
- MM Guardian - A fantastic program that allows your monitor and control your child's cell phone.
- My Tutor for Parents - The Parents’ Guide to Teaching your Teen Online Safety
- NetSmartz - NetSmartz Workshop is an interactive, educational program of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) that provides age-appropriate resources to help teach children how to be safer on- and offline. The program is designed for children ages 5-17, parents and guardians, educators, and law enforcement. With resources such as videos, games, activity cards, and presentations, NetSmartz entertains while it educates.
- Parent Resources for Cyber Bullying - This site will provide parent resources related to Cyber Bullying.
- Safe Media Streamer for Kids
- Stay Safe (Online Teen Safety Guide) - This online guide/resource provides the resources necessary for both parents and their teens to safely utilize the Internet.
- Setting iPhone Parental Controls - This site shows you how to set the parents controls for any Apple device including the iPhone and iPod.
- Teen Cell Phone Contract - Here is a great resource for helping to create a cell phone contract for your child(ren).
- TeenSafe - A fantastic program that allows your monitor and control your child's cell phone.
- Web Watcher - This is a resource for parents that monitors computers and cell phones.
- 16 Apps and Sites Kids are Heading to After Facebook - This site provides parents with additional information on what social media apps and sites children are using besides Facebook.
-, the troubling secret playground of tweens and teens - Click here to learn about what is and the possible dangers.