This PDF document contains all required Act 55 School Safety additional resources that should be accessible to ALL district staff.
This site will allow you to create an account and receive the required Act 126 Child Abuse Training through an online format.
Teachers and staff will use this site to call in sick, request personal days, etc.
Diffit allows teachers to get “just right” instructional materials, saving tons of time and helping all students to access grade level content.
EdReports provides free reports that help you evaluate instructional materials because high-quality content matters to teachers, to kids, and to our collective future.
EPIS is a university-based intermediary organization connecting research, policy and real-world practice to improve outcomes for children and families across Pennsylvania.
Your new standard for the most up-to-date and reliable information on programs that meet ESSA evidence standards.
Use this link to log in to the A-RSD FMX site which will allow staff to submit maintenance, technology, and transportation (field trip) requests electronically.
This site provides a lot of research-based practices to help increase student achievement.
This site includes a wide array of history/geography website that can help you integrate technology into your history/geography lessons.
Apollo-Ridge Middle School Staff members have the "Deluxe" membership giving them FREE access to thousands of different lessons and units.
This link will take you to the NearPod homepage where students and staff can type in a code to join a "NearPod".
This link will allow you to log in to Pass (Formerly e-Hall Pass), our electronic hall pass monitoring system.
The Evidence Resource Center aims to help Pennsylvania’s school communities thoughtfully apply high-quality, relevant research to their own settings. Explore these topics to brush up on research basics, ESSA tiers, and the fundamentals of evidence-based decision making.
Remember you will need to know your Professional Personnel ID or PPID.
Use this link to create an account to pay your cafeteria bill electronically.
This site provides FREE PowerPoint backgrounds and templates for teachers to use in their classrooms.
This is a fantastic resource that provides you with a plethora of instructional videos broken down by content that have been screened and approved by teachers.