Academics and Athletics/Clubs » Coronavirus School Closure Information » Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Apollo-Ridge Middle School Frequently Asked Questions

School Closure


How can we contact the school?
You can contact the school the following ways:

  • Phone:  (724) 478-6000  ext:  2000 - We have the ability to check our voicemail while we are not in the building.  Please be sure to leave a message with your name, child’s name, phone number, email, and a brief message.  We will get back to you as soon as possible.
  • Email:  [email protected] 

How is continuity of instruction being provided?

From March 16, 2020 until April 10, 2020, students received review and enrichment packets.  Beginning, April 13, 2020 we will begin providing new instruction to students using digital/online instruction OR packets that will continue to be mailed home. 

Will we be transitioning to digital/online instruction?
Yes! Beginning April 13, middle school teachers will be placing their classes and lessons online using Microsoft Teams. Every student has a school issued laptop and has had instruction on how to use Microsoft Teams.

How do students receive/submit assignments?
Students will begin receiving their online assignments through Microsoft Teams.  Students were given instruction on how to use Teams earlier in the year.  Students will use Teams to receive the content, lessons, and submit their assignments.  Unfortunately, parents are not given access to Teams.  However, you can use your child’s username and password to view the work and assignments that they are completing.  If you or your child has and questions regarding these assignments, please be sure to contact the teacher via email first.

Students that don’t have internet access will receive packets mailed to them approximately every two weeks.  You can turn the completed packets in at the Middle School. We will have grade level bins near the outside of the Middle School entrance where your child can drop off their completed packets Monday-Friday.  Please remember that you can drop off your packets off at our "satellite" lunch distribution locations.   
The locations and times are:
- 11 am to 12:30 pm at the High School
- 11 am to Noon at 2nd Street/Owens Field
- 11:15 to 11:30 am at Iselin Volunteer Fire Company
- 11:50 to 12:10 pm at Coal Run Fire Department


If you cannot drop your child’s packets off at the school or if you can’t find someone to drop them off for you, please call (724) 478-6000 ext: 2000 and let them know that you can’t drop them off. We will mail you an envelope to mail the packets back to us. If no one answers, please be sure to leave your name, phone number, email address, child’s name, and that you need an envelope to mail the packet(s) back to the school. We are able to check voicemail even when the buildings are closed.

What are the time spans and due dates for each packet or set of assignments?

Time spans and due dates for packets and assignments are as follows:

  • Packet #1:  Time Span:  3/16/20 - 3/27/20  Due Date:  3/27/20
  • Packet #2:  Time Span:  3/30/20 - 4/10/20  Due Date:  4/10/20
  • Packet #3:  Time Span:  4/13/20 - 4/24/20  Due Date:  4/24/20
  • Packet #4:  Time Span:  4/27/20 - 5/08/20  Due Date:  5/08/20
  • Packet #5:  Time Span:  5/11/20 - 5/22/20  Due Date:  5/22/20
  • Packet #6:  Time Span:  5/25/20 - 6/05/20  Due Date:  6/05/20

We understand that it may be challenging to turn the packets in on time.  These dates are flexible and students won't be penalized for packets being turned in late.

I can't get my school issued laptop to connect to our home internet?

1.  Have your child complete a "hard shut down".  You do this by holding the power button down until it turns completely off.  Then restart the computer and try reconnecting to you home wireless internet.
2.  Call your internet provider.  Their tech support should help you to connect to your home wireless network.  
3.  Please call (724) 478-6000 ext: 2000 or email 
[email protected] to let us know that you tried the first two steps and still can't connect to the internet.  We will get a new laptop for your child and swap the one they currently have.  The new laptop can be picked up Monday's or Thursday's from 11:00am till 1:00pm here at the Middle/High School during our normal lunch pickup times. 

How can I get my child’s password reset?
Please call or email the school to let us know if your child’s password needs reset.  When leaving a message, please leave your name, phone number, email address, child’s name, and a brief message explain that your child needs their password reset. 

What if we don’t have internet at our house?
Please call (724) 478-6000 ext: 2000 to let us know that you don’t have internet. We will mail your child additional packets every two weeks or so. If no one answers, please be sure to leave your name, phone number, child’s name, and that you don’t have internet at your house. We are able to check voicemail even when the buildings are closed. New packets will be mailed every two weeks during the weeks of April 13, April 27, May 11, and May 25.

How is work graded?
Work will be graded for the 4th marking period based on a Pass/Fail system. 




What if my child’s laptop is at school?
Please call (724) 478-6000 ext: 2000 to let us know where your child’s laptop is located within the school. If no one answers, please be sure to leave your name, phone number, email address, child’s name, and your child’s locker number. We are able to check voicemail even when the buildings are closed.

How do I contact my teachers?
You can contact them via email, using Microsoft Teams, or by calling the school and using their direct extension. 

What if I’m having trouble with assignments?
Always feel free to contact the teacher with any questions.  They are available throughout the day to answer any questions that you may have. 

I am feeling stressed out.  What should I do?
Please feel free to contact our guidance counselor either via email at 
[email protected] or by phone (724) 478-6000  ext: 2020.

When will Quarter 3 Report Card Distribution occur?
Report cards will be distributed/mailed April 28th.  You should get it within a few days of the 28th.  The report cards will be posted to the Sapphire Parent Portal on April 28th after 3:00pm.  If you do not receive a report card in the mail, please call (724) 478-6000 ext: 2000 to let us know that you need a copy of the report card.  Please leave your name, child’s name, phone number AND email address so we can contact you. 

When can I pick up the items in my locker?
Students will be permitted back into the building on certain days to retrieve items from their lockers and to clean them out.  On these days, we will only permit 25 students total in the building at a time to clean out their lockers.  Students must also wear a mask while in the building.  Below are the dates and times for our Locker Cleanouts:

  • June 1 from 9:00am-1:00pm:  6th Grade Locker Cleanout
  • June 2 from 9:00am-1:00pm:  7th Grade Locker Cleanout  
  • June 3 from 9:00am-1:00pm:  8th Grade Locker Cleanout  
  • June 4 from 9:00am-1:00pm:  Makeup Locker Cleanout

If you are unable to bring your child to the school during the scheduled locker cleanout times, please try asking another family member, neighbor, or family friend if they could bring them to school.  We will also allow other students to return items and clean out the lockers of another student as long as that student has a note from the parent/guardian not in attendance giving permission to that student to return items and clean out their child’s locker.  Our plan is also to distribute yearbooks during the locker cleanout days.  However, the yearbooks have not been shipped yet and we do not have an estimated deliver date yet.  If we are unable to distribute yearbooks at that time, we will notify everyone when yearbooks will be distributed in a subsequent letter and phone call.    


Will students keep their laptops over the summer?

Yes!  students will keep their laptops during the summer months.  We are hopeful that we will be able to resume school when we return in the fall.  If for some reason school continues to be closed, we want to ensure that we have a plan to ensure a continue schooling virtually until schools are permitted to reopen.  Please note that students will continue to be responsible for their laptops during the summer months.  Students will still be responsible for any damage that occurs to their school issued laptop.  However, students with insurance will continue to be covered until the beginning of the next school year. 


When will the Middle School Yearbook be distributed?
We will distribute the Middle School Yearbook during the same days and times we have students pick up their personal belonging from their lockers if possible.  If we are unable to distribute yearbooks then, we will have communicate the new distribution dates when they are known.