Academics and Athletics/Clubs » A-RVA » Attendance & General Expectations for A-RVA/Virtual Learning

Attendance & General Expectations for A-RVA/Virtual Learning

Virtual School Attendance

This is a reminder of our school district’s policy in regards to attendance procedures.  Please remember that the reporting and recording of an absence is an important function within our school district.  It is critically important that you log on to each of your A-RVA courses daily to ensure you are not marked absent.

Excessive absenteeism could result in a truancy elimination plan meeting, the school district filing a CYS referral for truancy and/or filing a citation either on the parent or student through the office of our local district magistrate.

Any questions regarding this information can be answered by contacting Mr. Skiba at 724-478-6000, ext. 6033, or by email at [email protected].

Below are helpful tips and reminders to help you maximize your success in A-RVA and/or Flexible Instruction Day/Virtual Learning.