Educational Support Departments » School Health » Health Screenings

Health Screenings

Each grade has state mandated screenings performed to ensure the health of the student body.  Those screens include:
  • Heights and Weights are provided in all grades K-12*
  • Vision Screenings are provided in all grades K-12*
  • Hearing Screenings are provided in grades K,1, 2, 3, 7, and 11*
  • Scoliosis Screenings are provided in 7th grade (performed with the 6th grade physical)
Physicals are needed in grades K/1st, 6th, and 11th.
Dental screenings are needed in grades K/1st, 3rd and 7th.
Please visit the "Forms" section for the forms associated with these screenings for your private physician to complete.

Please see "Immunizations" section for information regarding State required immunizations.
 *Performed by school nurse on all students in that grade.  (A referral will be sent home if further evaluation is needed.)
Health Screening