
Coronavirus School Closure Info

The Governor closed all schools in Pennsylvania for the remainder of the academic school year due to the Coronavirus.  The Middle School will use a combination of the Middle School Website, letters mailed home to parents, and phone messages to communicate information.  Please check the Middle School Website and in particular, the Apollo-Ridge Middle School Coronavirus School Closure site for important information and updates.  The site can by found by hovering over the "Academics" tab on the Middle School website and then clicking on "Coronavirus School Closure Info" or by clicking this site: 
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the school at (724) 478-6000 ext: 2000.  If no one answers, please be sure to leave a detailed message including your name, your child's name, your phone number, your email address, and a brief message about why you are calling.  We will return your call ASAP.  Thank you again for you help, patience, and cooperation.  It is greatly appreciated.    