
Annual A-RMS Science Olympiad

The annual A-RMS Science Olympiad was held on May 23 and May 24 this year.  Students and 7th and 8th grade were grouped together in small teams.  The Science Olympiad is similar to an academic track meet, consisting of a series of 12 team events.  Each year, a portion of the events are rotated to reflect the ever-changing nature of genetics, earth science, chemistry, anatomy, physics, geology, mechanical engineering and technology.   By combining events from all disciplines, the Science Olympiad encourages a wide cross-section of students to get involved. Emphasis is placed on active, hands-on group participation.  Teamwork is a required skill in most scientific careers today, and Science Olympiad encourages group learning by designing events that forge alliances.  Events such as Egg Drop, Balloon Carts, Mirrors, Orienteering, Bridge Building, and Towers help to reinforce teamwork which we know is a critical life skill students will need the rest of their lives.  Click here to see all of the pictures from this year's Science Olympiad:  2022-2023 Science Olympiad Photo Album 