During the current school closure due to COVID-19, student may need or request library books. This IS possible. Mr. Fello (our school librarian) has created a form students can fill out requesting library books. Once the student fills out the form, Mr. Fello will locate the book and place it on a cart outside of the high school for the student to pick up. Please note that if students need books for their Accelerated Reader assignments within their class and they are unable to obtain library books from our library, the teachers will work with the student to obtain eBooks or sites that will provide students with electronic books to help them complete their assignments. If you have specific questions regarding their Accelerated Reader assignments, please be sure to contact your child's reading teacher. Below are the links you will need to request library books:
Library Book Request Form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=k2q_mP9F3kyarZHWoB4_W3gK-eQLlVBCqZs9wsvRvGVUQzdJOTNKNzdCWjU5R1VGU0tEN0oyUjA1Ny4u
Apollo-Ridge High/Middle School Library Website: https://sites.google.com/view/arlibrary
Source: Library Book Request Form